August 13, 2008

we are what we wear

some days, when i wear black to work or some dull 'blue' (i mean the feeling) colour, i feel dragged down and the day just doesn't seem to end. other days, when i deliberately wear something fun and eye-glaringly-bright, i 'feel' upbeat and ready to take on the world.

shallow? no lar... it's just a theory i'm musing on as i looked around....

don't you agree that what you wear somehow dictates your feelings? it doesn't control your feeling (we're not THAT dense but it 'directs' it). somehow it transmits some kind of subtle message to your brain, telling it 'hey it's a blueeeee and dreary day' or 'upbeat, funky all the way'. and it's not just the colour.

going further on this; i imagined myself wearing a huge, shapeless, decayed looking t-shirt aka a sack to work and i'm pretty sure i'd mop around all day. not only does it give a 'i couldn't care less, i'm here so what else do you expect from me?' attitude, i won't doubt that it sends a very clear stay-a.w.a.y-from-me message when we turn up dressed in the dark.

i'm certainly not saying we have to be dressed to the nines, wearing every imaginable and unpronounceable brands everyday. i'm talking about presentability, moods, colours and i might go as far as to say, courtesy in our appearace. we dress for ourselves, first and foremost but, a properly turned out attire sends out a 'nice' image, makes the wearer feels good and thus sets the tone for the day.

ever notice that kids love to pick out their own outfit and when given a chance? they'll choose EVERY clashing item they can find and say 'i wanna wear that!'. they don't care if the outfit makes us cringe, they want it coz they picked it and it makes them happy. it's like it's their declaration of independance and place of who they are and what they like.

so yes. we probably don't all go around wearing funky neon colours but whatever tune you dance to, if it makes you FEEL GOOD, if it is who you are; go for it! army prints...psychedelic prints...animal prints (god forbid), leather, pastel, porridge coloured tops (grimaces), unfathomable cuts and whatever you could come up with.

come come, individuality rocks

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