August 22, 2008

he, she, you or me??

there seems to be so many events and things to do, people to meet, stuff to follow up on lately that even in my sleep, i somehow feel that my brain is still thinking, planning and working. oh dear. must stop being such a 'compulsive organizer'. i'm that way. i like things worked out, planned and organized. they don't always happen as i plan them to, and i love surprises and changes but i also like them worked out beforehand. however, it is not very good for my soul as i then tend to 'overwork' my brain and think 24/7. i seriously remember 'organizing' and thinking of my articles in my sleep last night!!! haha

i wake up with a thousand and one things planned and ready to be done. eewww. when did i become such a whirlwind workaholic? must not let that happen. calm, cool. laidback - that's more like me. i like to travel. i like people. i wanna see the world. i want connection. so, no no. must.slow.down.

anyway, last night, as i was floating between being asleep and still awake, i was thinking: i think we're in danger of losing our identities. 'we' being people in the city; busy, technology-savvy people.

i was talking to this guy the other night, bemoaning the fact that nowadays, our pictures and things do not belong to us any longer. for example, the pictures i post on my facebook (the one major 'conqueror'). once posted, they actually no longer belong to me!!! anyone, and i mean ANYone can copy and paste them and use them in any way they want. texts and articles, messages or notes, everything can be copied and pasted with a click of the mouse and you 'lose' the 'owner-ship'. i can take a quote anywhere online and repost it as my own. no one would know, or no one would really care. if you really look at it, can you imagine the horror of it all?
at the end of the day, what belongs to you? who are you? where are you really??

true, this technology craze has indeed made lives better (relatively) and it has enabled worldwide communication to the best but it has also (in my opinion) created several major downfalls.

people begin to lose creativity. originality. identity (gasp!)

it's true. i think we might get to the point where we won't know who we really are. he, she, you or me??

it is a hurricane that slowly sucks one into a world where nothing-is-impossible, 'everything, beckons, lures and devours'. we get so carried away that, if we're not careful, we end up forgetting, what, where, who and why.

the line between what's real and solid and what's fleeting but enticing is no longer visible.

i've always believed the songs are one of the things that reflect who we are and what we really feel. songs nowadays have titles like 'when i grow up...' and 'i wanna kiss a girl' - sung by supposedly adults. what does that say about us??

but really, i'm speaking more about this city. my city; the city that never sleeps. forever racing, forever running after the elusive beauty and entity called 'life'.

life, as we know it, will never be the same again....

but is that really what we want? i think i rather go for quality .

1 comment:

Doug P. Baker said...

Oh, Grace, I think you are so right. In the internet world it is so easy to lose track of who we really are. I see my kids posting on thier myspace and facebook pages and the stuff they say about themselves isn't really them! I know they are just having fun, but I worry about how long it will take of them creating an imaginary self that they put on myspace before they lose track of who they really are.

And you are right! "Go for quality!"