August 24, 2008

missing missed miss

dear cass,

i miss the times we spent together
i miss the times we wrote letters to each other and mailed them across the states
i miss the times, when we were older, we'd just go shopping, browsing, laughing
i miss the times when we were on holiday, having nothing to do, we just both laid on the cool marble floor and dreamt
i miss the times when you just watched your fave horror movies while i read as we rested in silence, knowing we didn't have to fill our time together with activities
i miss the times we reminisce and plot our dreams and lives
i miss the times we did crazy things like pluck flowers, walk out for snacks, spy on our cousin's girlfriend
i miss our midnight supper trips
i miss the times we went for impromptu hair cuts or some equally crazy things
i miss the times we waited and bitched about the public transport
i miss the times where we spent the entire day eating, from one shop to another
i miss the times we went on our whirlwind shopping trips
i miss the times we spent waiting for the coach
i miss the times we watched some crazy 'fire ants' getting provoked by us poking them with leaves
i miss the times we played with firecrackers and lanterns, burning everything we could find
i miss the times i could drive over to meet you anytime we wanted
i miss the times we disagree yet wisely remained silent as we're both extremely 'firey'
i miss having someone who knows me so well i don't have to spell it out
i miss having someone who thought just what i was thinking and all it took was one look or a wink
i miss our crazy sense of humour
i miss our silly midnight movie trips, watching silly movies at really dodgy cinemas
most of all, i miss having you around
miss having someone to laugh with
miss having someone to disagree with
miss having someone to do crazy things with
miss having someone to yell at

miss you cousin dear, sure do miss you.

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