August 21, 2008

anchor me forever

life has been a whirlwind these past few days.
i've been going from event to event, launches, one after another; celeb filled, fashionistas, glamourous events. alcohol. tobacco. glitter and glitz to the hilt.

and i was thinking throughout it all, most of my friends (those not of my faith) envy my work: socializing. drinking. beautiful things and people day in and day out. i enjoy it too, but....

isn't it easy to get carried away? as my colleague was driving me to yet another event today, i looked out the window and silently thought to myself, thank god i have an anchor in my life. in fact, not one, but many.

i don't want to be yet another shooting star; like the beautiful people i see around; 'here one day, gone tomorrow'. i wondered if anyone would notice if one of them is missing. or even if they do, they would most probably just go 'oh. ok. let's move on'. of course, not all friendships made at such events are superficial. i have met some truly special people. but by and large, most of them are just 'on the surface', hi-bye kind of meetings.

i'm relieved i know where i stand and i'm relieved knowing that my life is securely anchored in One i know i can believe in, lean on and trust my life with. i know that whatever i see around me, however pleasant, it is fleeting but i, have something eternal in me and yes, i might be 'in' this lifestyle, but i remind myself my purpose and reason for being amongst it all.

i'm relieved too, knowing that i have mentors and people who love me dearly in my life, who'll warn me when i stray, nudge me when i look away and remind me of what life is all about. do you know why on earth you are here, living this life?


at the end of it all, i can go home, look at my family, at loved ones and remember; this is life.

as i always do, i go right back to the root of whatever is on my mind and my mind turned to the anchor.

an anchor. not large. not ostentatious. not glamourous at all (in fact, it is often left to rust, only ever looked for in cases of emergencies). it is small, sturdy, steely even. yet this one small 'thing' (we often overlook) holds giant ships even in the fiercest of storms. it keeps lives safe. it keeps hope afloat. and eventhough it is often forgotten and neglected, it remains as a symbol of 'life'.

thank you for being you, anchor.

thank you for keeping me sane and anchored in this increasingly insane world

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