August 28, 2008

look and see

two days ago, i was having drinks with two very dear friends, just catching up on each other's life and spending some time together. and something happened which really made me sit back and think.

we were in this 'posh' area, having coffee in yeah, The Coffee Bean when suddenly, a man approached us. now, this is where it gets .... 'so?'.

well, WE (city people) are very used to being interrupted by sales people who come and ask us to buy things; practically shoving their goods in our faces whether we're eating or drinking, and people asking for donations and charity. and yes, we are so used to seeing these people whom we find irritating and rude to some extent, that we immediately dimiss them the moment they approach us, right? whether they're selling us something or asking for donations, we straight away shut off and block whatever they want to say. in fact, if they're of the group-that-asks-for-donation, we often question the legality of what they're doing and where the money goes.

well, my friends and i were there having coffee and this guy approached. he stood beside me offering us 3D jigsaw models, not even attractive ones. and without even looking at him, or thinking about it, i immediately said no. that's always our first reaction. my friends said no too. because firstly, we don't like strangers approaching us and secondly, we're quite cynical already and often, we doubt the 'use-ability' and 'intention' of these people. true, some of these guys are plain rude; they don't leave despite repeated nos. but we don't even look at them most of the time. we just say no.

but that day, even though we all said no, he still stood there. and we finally really looked at him and he was ... slightly handicapped. i still did not consider buying the items (sadly, because again, what's new with that right?) whereas my friends actually had a change of heart after seeing him. and they bought the jigsaws.

and it just struck me.

you know, we think we're so sophisticated and worldly-wise that we have no time for the 'little people'. not just the handicapped, but people outside our group. if they're of no use to us (just typing it pierces my heart; the cynicism and ugly truth of it), we just don't bother with them do we?? if they look 'normal' or 'underdressed', we might not even see them.

my friends (fortunate them) are older, and they live and work in a rather secluded circle; where they are with people of the same faith all the time and they are more open towards the possibilities of miracles. hey, i am with them too but because more of my time is spent with people of the 'city', i tend to forget and be swept away by the gods of cynicism, reality and society. they're not all bad but hey, look around.

my friends might not have saved the world or made a million that day. but a small gesture reminded me that hey, there ARE other people out there. see them.

just two words, but really. see them.

1 comment:

Doug P. Baker said...

Oh, I recognize myself in this. Sad. Jesus said, "Whatever you do to the least of these, you do to me." Just more proof that his is a supernatural message, for it is perfectly natural to ignore what we don't think is important.

Great post!