August 23, 2008

let's absorb

i wonder what the world wants? what do you think people are really after?

money? and then what?
career? and then what?
cars and properties? and then what?
fame? and then what?
glamour? and then what?
notoriety? and then what?
more of all of these, and then what?

*haha, i'm being cheeky but really, 'and then what??'*

what the world doesn't want:

the 'burden' of a family
unplanned children
rules and restrictions

haha, you know what? looking at it, i think the world doesn't want to grow up. in fact! i HAVE heard many telling me they wish they could turn back time and be a child again. i seriously disagree.

i had a great childhood. totally enjoyed every moment of it and loved the entire time but i also love being who i am and where i am now. i have learned things i never knew, experienced and done things which have helped me see the world better. see myself better. like butterflies, i think none of them, if they could speak, will want to go back into a coccon. true. it's comfortable. easy, pretty even and safe. but it also restricts. bounds and encases. ewwwww, think mummies. you don't want to be embalmed and 'preserved' forever do you? yeah, you might stay looking young and pretty, but besides collecting dust and causing allergies to many, what good is a mummy?

i have digressed.

anyway, yes. the world doesn't seem to want to grow up. despite the chase and cut-throat-rat-race of the world, i think it is all a facade. i'm guessing that most of them, if asked at the end of the day, won't really know what they're so desperately chasing after (not all of them, most of them). i read once that whether you win or lose in rat-race, you still end up a rat. so true. so true. may i never forget that.

for me? well .... i think i'm balancing my life pretty neatly. i love my job. love work. love people and i also get to love 'life'. like today.

i went wandering around the city centre with my aunt. we did nothing much. just shopped, walked around. had coffee. and i came home when i wanted to. i feel tired. so i rest. i read. i write. i listen now to the rain. what do I want??

i want:


life in the truest sense.
life in the purest form.

little moments of joy
delightful memories
stimulating conversations
quiet moments spent with a loved one; doing nothing maybe, enjoying the silence
challenging work, mentally and spiritually
emotionally satisfying days and nights
watching life
absorbing it

simple, simple
yet altogether lovely

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