August 18, 2008


Monday 180808. 9.55am. back to work, back to reality. that fantasy land called weekend is gone till it comes back next.

out there, it's grey, rainy and slightly windy.

i'm bleary-eyed, sleepy and sniffling, a case of monday morning sinus i call it.
i'm also alternating between looking at the screen with one eye (left, then right, then left). I do this when i figure i'm that sleepy and my eyes need to take turn resting, haha. so i drive [early in the morning] this way. i write this way or i read this way when my eyes are protesting from lack of some eye-love @ sleep.

the radio is irritating me with some mr.potato snack adverts and i can't turn it off because my colleagues look just as zombie-like and they need to music to blast them awake. so whilst i find local english stations annoying and terribly repetitive, i can't do anything about it except to plug my own mp3 in, turn it up louder and tune out. well, i have mentally half tuned out anyway. it's too early. it's monday. no one's going to talk to each other [yet]. we're all polite people aren't we?

and i was thinking, why in the world, do we always blame it on the monday blues. what is 'monday blues' and who in the world came up with it anyway? so, i did some quick checking up and apparently, the worst day of the entire year is January 22 (really, don't ask me. I don't know why) and that particular year, Jan 22 was on a Monday so it became the Monday blues. not really logical to me therefore, i conclude that there is no real historical fact or reason for this term.

so, i came up with my own conclusions.

firstly, the term probably came about mainly because people so enjoyed their weekends that come the first day of work, they found it difficult to drag their hung-up-partied-to-death and weary body to work. which means, if the weekend was say, weds and thursday, they'd come up with 'friday blues' nonetheless because that would be the first 'back to work' day.

secondly, monday blues probably came about from songs and lyrics. you know how certain songs have really catchy titles which end up being converted into and used as proper words despite not being so? in more modern circumstances, there are examples like 'fergalicious', y'all, 'flo', and the grammatically challenged terms and phrases we see teens mouth nowadays. hearing them make me cringe though i try not to grimace too obviously. for example, 'you is the man', 'i heart you' or 'we the man'. o h m y g o d. let's move on. [sometimes they're fun to say but pls remember they're not legit]

anyway, i think, again, we are so programmed to think that monday is a blue day that whatever goes wrong, we blame it on being the monday blues. and if we feel shitty or dreary, we accept it as part and parcel of 'monday blues'.

hmmmmmm. really? patut ke?

true, it's a grey day today. it's drizzling. it's quiet. i'm recovering from two late nights out. my hair reeks of eau de cigarette (i don't even smoke, that's the ick factor) despite repeated wash and i'm sniffling like an addict and being unacceptably quiet, but it could be a marvelous day.

i have an extremely busy week (groans at calendar) ahead, scheduled dinner every night, events, people visiting and my favourite of all, i welcome and look forward to my lovely friend; 'Ms.Surprise'. i love having surprises in my life. the unexpected little pokes and things that just turn up and delight; the bundles of joy, laughter and fun. an unexpected letter. a flower i didn't expect to see. a song i didn't expect to hear. some book i find hidden and tucked away. a nice impulse shopping spree....

of course, not all surprises are nice, but don't throw the baby out with the basket. take it all in stride and you'll be surprised at how fun life can turn out.

so, hello Monday, come in come in.

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