October 19, 2008

wrong, over and again

why do we girls constantly sell ourselves short?

we settle for less (much much less) than what we actually deserve. we go with the flow. we keep quiet and take it all, just to ... what? maintain the illusion and comfort?

it's been a girlfriend weekend. and i have to really admit that it's quite a sad state i see. after years of searching, we pick the worst of the lot and we wonder why.

over and over again we allow ourselves to one minute be swept away; overjoyed and estatic, the next minute we watch as it all come crashing down.

fundamentally wrong?
comfortably reluctant to get out of the comfort zone?
inherently insecure?

what is it i wonder


tabbydlim said...

probably the lack of great guys. :P

The Realistic Dreamer said...

at least you have a larger 'sea' now tabby dear