October 21, 2008

such is this girl

there's this creature of habit who also happens to thrive on impulse.
contradictory she probably is.
such is this girl.

when she stumbles upon a food of her fancy, she'll have that and nothing else, to the point where she gets sick of it, usually about two months later, and then she'll not have it ever again.

when she discovers and settles into a spot of choice, that and that spot alone will be her place of choice e.v.e.r.y. single time.

a certain drink. a particular song. a very carefully selected pair of shoes.

over and over again. there's just no end to it.

but oh, this girl, she thrives on impromptu acts just as well.

a shopping trip for the latest book an hour before the shop closes for the day.

a hop off and away for that glass of ice-blended goodness.

a lazy sunday afternoon, away from everyone.

a sudden drive to the movies for that touch of romance.

a wicked girls night out.

routine? dear me no, that kills.

monotony stifles.

tedious decorum bores her to tears.

such is this girl.

such, is this girl.

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