October 8, 2008

new, or is it?

i need a new genre.

sometimes, i don't feel like writing (no no, i love writing, but the hassle of getting TO the laptop....). anyway, i mean, i sit at the computer more than half the day so by the time i get home, i want to stay away from it. yet thoughts float around and words bubble up within and i can't, but write. i just have to. whether on paper or in cyberspace, i've just got to get those thoughts out or down, depending on the medium.

so, i've been mulling over this thing. i think i need a new genre; whether to read, or write in. something interesting and fresh. creative, sparkly, witty yet real. most importantly, to me; real.

it has to come from the heart. it's got to capture the imagination. set a person's mind free - to explore, to question, and to discover. that's when truth's going to enter, invited. it'll arouse. it'll appeal and it'll appease. hahaha. the 'a's.


i'm going off to dream then.

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