October 28, 2008

pride or sanity?

pride or sanity? take your pick

in many instances of life, either we choose to keep our pride (maybe not the best choice) or our sanity. of course, we would all like to think that we'd be 'honourable' and humble, choosing to forego pride but really, in life, do we always react that graciously?

in fact, reacting is not even the 'right' term. i'd like to think i respond rather than react. 'reacting' gives the impression of impulsiveness, hastiness and a lack of thought.

lately, there've been many instances where i'm forced to either keep my pride or sanity. of course, pride in itself is not something pretty. but do we really easily grovel and acquiesce? i don't think that's really in us. at least not for me. especially when we're not in the wrong!! that's when we really have to just tell ourselves, ok ok .... it doesn't matter. swallow your pride. keep your sanity instead.

maybe that's why he said the road is narrow and tough.

i couldn't agree more. giving up will never be my choice. but of course, i blow up and fail terribly from time to time.

still, at the end of the day, when we realize that, yes, it might have been tough; it might have cost us greatly; the realization that we might be a better person out of that [gag] bitter pill, is quite rewarding indeed.

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