October 16, 2008

line up now

i was thinking about re-alignment last night. re-alignment of thoughts, priorities and life in general.

then a scene flashed in my head. remember how in school, we used to 'line-up' every morning? in primary school, we had to queue up in two rows, girls and boys on each side, before going into our classroom. why is this relevant now you wonder?

you see, actually, it's quite a good thing to do, mentally.

imagine re-aligning and 'queueing up' your thoughts every morning.
upon waking up, we line up our thoughts and focus for the day. just a simple exercise to remind us what's really important and what's not. a simple task perhaps, to sift the unnecessary from the necessary, negatives from the positives.

you know, i really think that'd be a good idea.

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