October 26, 2008

continuing ...

yes, still on the previous topic.

like i shared, my stars and planets seemed to have gone berserk. seriously.

yesterday evening, a colleague from 2 years ago (i know!!! 2yrs?!?!) called and insisted on meeting for drinks. despite my repeated no, he persisted and i relented. thinking, well, just a drink with a former colleague. and it's nearby. he even came all the way to pick me (usually, i drive myself so that i could leave anytime i want to). seeing his sincerity, i went. it started off ok of course but as we chatted, i realized that he was on a totally different track. to me, it was a drink and that's it, catching up on old times and what-nots. to him ... sigh. anyway, no way.

and today. i was at this place waiting to get something done and there were 3 tourists ahead of me. as we were practically falling asleep while waiting, they started asking me whether i was local; where to go; what to do; what to eat and all that. being the friendly malaysian, i happily chatted with them. later found out they're actually from italy. traveling through malaysia and settling in sydney probably 2 months later. one of the guys THEN asked for my number before they left. ?!?!?!

what's wrong with the universe? it's like, i'm suddenly 'of age' and therefore .... i know i know. i did consider the probability of going out finally but i merely thought it!! and hello!! can there be some kind of vetting?

dear me

1 comment:

Doug P. Baker said...

Vetting. There used to be. That is why once upon a time a boy would ask a girl's father for permission to begin courting her. Her father would do the vetting. He knew her, he knew men, he knew the treacheries of the world, and he had his daughter's future happiness in mind. Generally it worked better than the dating game that is practiced these days. Only among royalty was it a seriously flawed system.