October 24, 2008

judge not man

some very interesting people i met on my birthday.

- a total stranger wished me happy birthday after she saw my birthdate printed on my identification card as i was paying for something in the mall. she totally made my day; being a stranger yet wishing me a happy birthday.

- this cute, extremely tiny lady. she's really tiny. not even petite, tiny ok. she's probably half a head shorter than i am. so thin and small. yet a real fire-cracker. not only did she turn out to be 36 (she really looked 20 in her t-shirt and pants and no-nonsense-bobbed hair) and married, she's an architecture lecturer! at first glance, she looked like some hapless little college girl. and she mountain climbs for fun! oh man. totally eye-opening.

- this girl. she was dressed like Xena. no kidding. head band and all. and she was just like the typical fashionista bimbos we see all over kl. besides her outfit, there's her blondish hair. so, yeah, i thought, ok, another fashionista girlie. but! she turned out to be this nice and i know, kind-hearted, girl, who IS in college but studying med. so .... she has got to have something deeper in her if she actually goes for medicine.

- this quiet, decidedly simple but still 'chic-ly' dressed girl. compared to those tiny and skinny chinese swarming around us, she was a slender, yet big-boned girl. so she was quieter than the rest. but talking to her, i love her sweetness. there's just this ... 'goodness' about her. yup, she's the younger sis of Xena and so she's dressed just as outrageously, but it fits and she's interesting. business student by the way.

- then of course, there's the gay best friend of the two fashionistas. a nice, charming, young guy. studying architecture who's also into fashion. one glance, and you know he lives for fashion. haha in fact, when the lecturer (won't mention names to respect the privacy of my friends) and i were talking about a 'top', he was like, that's a 'tasseled vest'. no mere top for him ;)

- another outrageously-dressed and loud woman, who is now, a dear friend/sister. she has wide, fuschia streaks in her black hair. various tattoos and an overall punk look. again, at first glance, she'll come across as i-don't-care-about-you-stay-away-from-me kind of girl but no. not at all. luna is accomodating. loving. fun. i know she's the type who's a real friend.

so you know what? never ever judge a book based on the cover.

yes people might look .... questionable and in a society where everyone tries to label and neatly box everyone ELSE up, they stand out and raise eyebrows but isn't the heart more important? again, yes, some may choose a lifestyle totally different to what i believe in, but so? is that not why some are called to be in the world?

i really don't care if you look like an angel or a ... whatever-you-want-to-be.
to me, what matters is the heart and values.

1 comment:

Doug P. Baker said...

I'm glad you had such an eventful/memorable birthday!