October 25, 2008

differing expectations

* warning: really personal stuff

was complaining about my "love life" last month (had to quote and unquote it because i'm sure our definition of love life differs).
anyway, was complaining about it last month and right after my birthday, the stars and planets seem to have gone berserk. in fact, they're practically smashing into each other. i don't believe in horoRscopes, opps, hehe horoscopes, of course, it's just a metaphor.

anyway, i've always believed in just the one guy. so i don't date. i never did. it's either the right guy or wrong guy. within seconds of meeting, i can sum that up. so if it's wrong guy, why waste time right? but then, a wise friend, of similar faith, was saying, yes, although believing in the one guy is good, NOT going out at all wouldn't be logical because how else am i supposed to meet him then? even god can't just plonk him down through my roof (that'd be cool and easy). well, kinda makes sense but still .... i'm too logical - why waste time???

another friend was saying that i always give out this 'stay-away-from-me, guys' vibe. no one dares approach because,

a) i send out this vibe : not true ok
b) i 'look' unavailable : how can you judge so without asking??
c) i 'look' like a wild girl : i AM not. just because i love fashion and am in the circle, i'm not. i'm a homebody, believe me.
d) i can't be bothered : maybe that's true

anyway, that's why i'm where i am today. oh and of course, i'm only ever interested in the 'wrong' guys and so, knowing they're wrong, i also don't bother pursuing it.

anyway, like i was saying, since my birthday, approximately two days ago, the stars have gone berserk. friends are setting me up. some are calling more than usual. some are texting continuously. and i still am.not. quite that ... convinced, i guess.

i look at my happily married friends and go; how lovely. how warm. how wonderful. i'd like that, but then, i wonder, can i settle for a life that simple? someone that ... 'stable'?

darn. yes. i have to admit, i go for the bad boys. which is just not right. i shut down when it's someone nice and then i complain to god about how i keep waiting for nothing. should we settle for the simple life? should we really not set our sights too high? but weren't we told to expect the best from him?

oh yeah. his thoughts are not my thoughts.

1 comment:

Doug P. Baker said...

NEVER, never settle! Demand the best!You are right, your friend who want to set you up are wrong. Wait, (and wait and wait) and you will know when it is the right guy. Of course, ask God to help you know, but you will know. God won't ever ask you to "settle" for second best in a marriage. The second (and third and hundredth) bests are what we do to ourselves because we don't have patience to wait for the best.

Once you are married you will never regret waiting. Otherwise you will wish that you had waited more patiently. No one is ever happy who "settles" for anything but the best.