December 4, 2008

oh love, tell me this....

tell me this.

how much do you take before you say no. how long before you throw in the towel and say, that's it. enough of this. no more.

how do we not go back, again and again, to that which damages, hurts and breaks. when do we draw the line? tolerance and being walked over; is there a line? if so, tell me where it is.

yes, love is giving secrificially. but when it becomes being taken for granted, is it still love? i'm not talking about family bonds here. if it were that, then i would say that when it comes to immediate family, there's no clear line. you just give. you just love.

i'm talking about that elusive notion we call love. that ideal we all want. that dream we all chase after.

how long do we love before we say that's enough, i have no more to give?

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