December 17, 2008

by the way....

have been disconnected from the world the past few days. there was an unexplained issue with the company's server/router/modem/cables. us being writers, artists and generally creative people, we had no idea what was wrong. took us three days to get the right people to turn up and sort the problem out. finally had it righted yesterday around 4pm.

this morning, coming to work, i was thinking, finally, i can get some work done. write. read. get online and feel alive.

on the way here, i did what i usually do, which is to call up this restaurant a few doors away and order my usual breakfast [white coffee iced and toast]. they'll make it and deliver it just as i reach the office, saving me the hassle of walking over and waiting for the food [it's called efficiency, not laziness].

but this morning, the lady [who knows me by name. yeah and that shocked my colleagues because they were like "who else in this row of shops do you know?" haha]. anyway, the lady was like "grace, there's no electricity. we can't make toast"

indeed. upon arriving 3 mins later, i discovered the office in darkness. i'm usually the first/second to arrive. we called the tech guys again. apparently, some cable/wiring was stolen/cut, plunging the entire row of shops into darkness and an electricity-deprived-state.

great. internet back on. but no electricity.

from 9am we waited.

and waited.

and waited.

and then there was light .... at 12pm.

hours wasted : 3
coffee consumed : 3 packs
energy expended [walking around] : uncountable

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