December 28, 2008

mouse hunt

being on holiday, i try to sleep in. the good news is, i get to wake up anytime i want, and not to the rude intrusion of the alarm. the bad news is, it's causing havoc on my sleeping time. i dread tuesday, when i have to start work, because i know i'll wake up horribly horribly zombie-like and hating mornings.

anyway, this morning, sounds of banging and chairs scraping across the floor woke me from my dreams. i'm a light sleeper. sounds wake me. i even heard the tinkling of my piano. i was instantly awake. wondering who was playing with my piano, i wandered out groggily and peeked down. i mean, i wasn't in a state suitable to meet people so instead of actually going downstairs, i peeked.

and i saw a funny sight. dad and sis pushing chairs around and poking about underneath the piano. from the snippets of their conversation, i guessed that they were either looking for a mouse or a cockroach. most probably a mouse. surely not that much trouble for a cockroach.

anyway, deciding that a mouse wasn't that interesting, i crawled back underneath my comforters and went back to sleep.

how nice ....

ps. a day later, i found out they were looking for a bird. not a mouse.

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