December 31, 2008

now i can say goodbye

on this momentous day, as i think back to all that has happened in the past 364 days, i can't help but appreciate this truly eye-opening-life-changing year.

early last year, i told myself that the year i turn 25, i HAVE TO see the world and go to europe. i wanted to do something life changing. and i did. last year, i left.

january 2008 - i was in uk and belgium
february 2008 - i was in uk and scotland
march 2008 - i was in uk and ireland
april 2008 - back in uk
may 2008 - back in malaysia. started an exciting job. a job i believe, i grew up for.
june ... july ... august ... septemeber right up till today, the last day of the year, the year has been a roller coaster.

i would like to think i discovered a little more about who i really am this year.

i realized and found the job of my dreams. i grew up writing. writing comes naturally. but i always thought i wanted to conquer the world. working in an MNC, i realized that world domination is not for me. while there are certain thrills and challenges i love, in climbing the corporate ladder and fighting your way to the top, i discovered that maybe, that's not what i really want from life. because at the end of the long and tough climb up the glittering ladder [it's not so glittery when you're on it], what do i get? a fat paycheque, yes, but then? what else?

maybe i'm a more down-to-earth person. i enjoy solitude [in fact, sometimes i really rather be left alone]. i like curling up with a good book. a quiet dinner with friends and loved ones. the simple joys of life. sure, i love what money can buy, but ... i think i cherish the finer things of life more.

so yes, after a total career shift, i find the job i was literally groomed for. writing. it's challenging enough as it is a field i have no interest or inclination for [golf?!?!] yet it allows me freedom of creativity and expression. i get to meet people once in a while when i'm in a socializing mood. and i get to withdraw into my imaginary world when i want and need to. i can boldly declare that i go to work because i want to. i stay in a job i love and want, not a job i have to, to make ends meet. i chose passion over material gain.

the challenges and reality of life and its fragility stared me in the face too. with dad's health, it brought a much needed dose of wake-up-call. "treasure those around" has never seemed more real a phrase to me.

family wise, having traveled to the other side of the world, i also discovered that i'm a home girl at heart. i love being near loved ones. i love knowing i can see them when i want to. and i love being able to be here for them when need be.

while there's still a remnant of wanderlust left in me, for now, it's enough.

one day, i'll venture further and see the Big Apple. in fact, one day, i might even consider leaving this city that is the epitome of life, vibrancy, young blood and passion. but for now, it's enough.

so i think, i finally can make my peace with 2008.

you've been great to me. and i think i've gotten the most out of you.

so 2009, let's see what you've got.

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