November 14, 2008

working sis

oh no. parents are away for a few days again. some might think it's fun [freedom i guess] but it's not. really. let me tell you why.

parents away = the three of us left at home. namely me, brother and sister.

all three of us work. i'm supposedly the busiest, in the sense that my hours are unpredictable especially during near-dateline-weeks [like these two weeks]. brother works in retail. sister in a 'mall setting' office. so they should be back earlier. come on, malls close at FIXED hours. BUT both brother and sister are sociable creatures, i'm the homebody. they never come home immediately after work whereas i, even though i like going out, i also like going home. and i especially like the quiet of home after a day or writing, talking, smiling, reading and more reading.

anyway, this being so, with parents away, i'll have to rush home every evening to

1 - feed and make sure our dog [who's home alone the whole day] has not died
2 - turn on the lights. otherwise the house will be left in total darkness, not wise
3 - make sure the mountain of clothes do not get higher than mount everest
4 - if it is so, then wash, hang, take in, fold and distribute clothes accordingly [at night!!!]
5 - water and make sure the one thousand and one plants do not wither and die in the few days mum is away
6 - dog litter. you get it.
7 - make sure there's drinking water at home
8 - being the neat freak i am, make sure house is in a reasonable state

ALL THESE to be crammed into the 3-4 hours between the time i get home and go to bed.

i can so imagine the life of a working mum. and single parents.

they are definitely in training to rule the world.

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