November 7, 2008

kill me now

he said that 'iron sharpens iron'.

have you ever worked with people whom you just so want to kill? i really take my hat off to people who are mild-tempered and patient. i mean, yes, i am quite impatient but i would also say i'm a relatively calm person. challenges do not daunt me, difficulties i can face and it generally takes A LOT to stress me out but, it also takes considerably less to get me all riled up and off.

have you ever met those saintly-angelic people who just seem to have a bottomless reserve of patience? they can wait for hours without blinking an eye. they can take all sorts of ridiculous behaviour without getting a single hair out of place. they can smile at the most impossible, unacceptable person and just you know, never seem to be angry, short tempered or annoyed?? i watch these people in amazement and i feel ... dirt-low when i see them. i cringe. how can someone be so perfectly nice???

anyway, having worked for ... 3+(??) years, i've worked with many different types of people. being who i am, i also accept, by now, the fact that not everyone is the same. i can't expect people to react, think or behave the way i want them to [i can pray till he comes but i don't think so] and generally, i let it go and just find ways to change or adapt to the circumstances. BUT there are still instances or people whom i just find it impossible to tolerate. impossible.

i get SO annoyed at such times i just wish i could kill them off. haha. ok. maybe not literally but metaphorically. words i never ever use come to mind. i begin to imagine torturous death for them and i just plain wish i could eliminate such people from my life. it's either i kill them or i kill myself, just so i don't have to deal with such .... incompetencies, childishness and whatsoever.

ok. breathe.

then i repeat to myself, 'iron sharpens iron'. 'you reap what you sow'. 'do unto others' ... 'what goes around comes around' ... he did it, so will i. 'it won't kill me ... yet' ....

ok. breathe.

yeah. life can't be perfect.

so on to the next thing.

1 comment:

sebastiao garcia said...

totaly agree with what your understanding of true love is, but remenber it sound perfect and that is fliping dificult to find true love because our generation have stop believing in love, as far i remenber the only time there was true love, was in the time of the a great william shakes pears, the greatest writer of all time, and as you are in the publisingn industry give some idea in how i can go about publising my writing into a book please hey, i blieve God have directed me to you, stay well god bless.