November 15, 2008

i must have lost my mind

it's saturday and I.AM.AT.WORK!!! getting up at 7.30am this morning was a nightmare.

tell you a secret; every morning, when the alarm rings and i have to get up, i feel like committing suicide. yes. every morning, i contemplate suicide. hahaha. ok. it's not as depressing as it sounds. i love my job. i love life. BUT waking up to the sound of the alarm is just torture. anyway, it rings and vibrates, and i turn over and drop onto the floor [yeah, that's how i get up. i fall down]. then i walk to bathroom with eyes half closed, sees sister already going off for work, grunts and glares at her [not really because it's her, but just because i have to see another being so early in the morning].

so yes, it's saturday and i'm killing time. another half an hour to go before i can leave this fridge i'm sitting in, opps, i mean my office. it's so cold. somehow the air-con vent blows directly at my fingers no matter how i try to get it to swing away.

i planned a day of fun. SUPPOSEDLY going for a nice lunch. then clothes shopping. then book shopping. tea. more shopping. dinner and rest. but now, a total change of plans.

now, my saturday is;

7.30am - 1.30pm : work, or pretend to work till 1.30
1.30pm : rush off for ferrari event [working with a friend]
3pm - 5/6/7pm: work
7pm : rush home [see earlier post for list of work to cram in]
8/9pm - ?!?!?! : meet friends FOR WORK

and tomorrow? nods. work.

how delightful.


Doug P. Baker said...

Boy, how hectic! Especially the pm. Sorry you had to work it.

Today I got a very rare Saturday off of work. So I cleaned. Almost all day. It isn't quite done, but I feel so much better about being home now than before I started cleaning. Perhaps its work, but its work that I can see a result when I get done. I don't get that from delivering mail! Next day, more mail! No progress.

Enjoy your Sunday!

The Realistic Dreamer said...

thanks Doug
but sunday was long too
there goes my weekend
wonder if there's a place i can go to claim it back ....