November 19, 2008

a puff of steam and nothing else

ok. this is strictly work related but i really need to release some tension here.

and gosh, all i seem to write about is work these few days. but it's near dateline [dateline by right, is tomorrow anyway. but we're nowhere done] and the december issue is the bumper issue, yes. it's about 100+ EXTRA pages so imagine the E X T R A work.

have been working till nearly 9 everyday. AND THEN rush home for more work. parents are still happily away. was thinking last night, after dropping onto bed, that right now, it's looking like just work, sleep, work, sleep. not complaining but i'm sure my brain would like some rest time.

anyway, i woke up happy and came to work happily. BUT the advertisors seem bent on wreaking havoc. they keep changing the layout and the text. every single word. every picture. the first 3-5 times they send it back, i'll accept without a word. i understand. but after the 6th time, beware. the worst thing is when after the 1000th change, they decide my first copy is what they want ?!?!?! and that's on top of all the proofreading.

ok. breathe.

i'm fine now.

back to more writing and editing.

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