November 3, 2008


can we change who we are?

last night i was thinking; there are two kinds of people. one, they just live. don't really bother about much; life is all about going to work, getting paid, paying for everything else, going through the motions. whether as a student or one of the little creatures in the rat race of life, they are just one of them, they plod along. the other type [very fortunate ones] they live life with a zest. everyday is about passion. everyday is a game, a challenge, an upward climb.

and i wondered, where am i?

i would like to think that i'm in the latter group but then, don't we get tired? don't we slip? don't we, once in a while, want to just say, whatever, anything goes.

life is a whirlwind. not to get swept away requires tremendous effort and sanity. balance. it's all about balance.

what differentiates us?

what defines us?

how do we stay on the upward climb?

are we allowed to stop, sit and rest?

are we allowed to say we're tired?

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