February 25, 2009

passive impassive

it's funny how life never turns out the way you want it to.

last year was a deliberately passive year for me. i spent nearly half of the year traveling, and the second half at a job where i just did what i love. it didn't even feel like work.

prior to that, life was a hectic roller coaster. juggling mission trips, living for a year in a non-city environment, going back to college, assignments, exams, juggling two extremely challenging and competitive jobs ... it was a wonder i didn't age 10 years just from those few years alone.

so yes, last year, i decided i need a break. and it was.

still, being who i am, i couldn't have continued being that passive. so this year ... wow. here it comes again.

of course, i didn't plan or imagine something like this. i mean, in fact, i always thought i'd be married and with kids by 25. yeah i know. i turned 25 and still am very single, but by choice and not circumstances. anyway, yes, i always thought i'd be over the corporate world, high-flying kinda life by 25. but it doesn't seem so.

so far, 2009 has been surprising. in more good ways than bad. so here's to you 2009, be kind, be nice. and i'll love you for it ;)

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