January 3, 2009

truly web-ed

boss : grace ... you know, i'm going to rely on you to maintain the website. i want you to take over the website.
grace : i'm going to die. can i die now. oh no!!!! [ok, i didn't say it, i thought it. my heart was screaming but i merely smiled and nodded]

oh my god. how did this happen!?!?! i can't do it. just because i TRIED to and DID manage to do it, doesn't mean i like it or am good at it. i rather run through fire and sky dive than navigate those non-english things. seriously.

this is so wrong :(

i don't even know what java script means! come on! i know what java beans are. java coffee, yes i love. but what in the world is java script. and honestly, i don't think i need it. it'll not affect my life.

and my brother! he's the tech guy in the family. but even he gave up trying to explain to me something [i forgot what]. i wanted to buy a laptop. i wanted to buy a super high-tech phone. but we all agree i'm better off buying heels and bags than those things i can't figure out.

oh no!!! the website.

god help me. either make it so that the website will miraculously be updated all the time or just zap my brain so i'm suddenly a professor. please.

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