January 6, 2009

baby .... dog??

today at lunch, i nearly choked to death.

was with my colleagues when suddenly this young lady walked by carrying an odd 'thing'. at first glance, it looked like a soft toy. upon closer inspection, it turned out to be live dog. a very small one. a cross between a cocker spaniel and hush puppy. it was cute but i felt sorry for it.

it was 2 in the afternoon, sunny, hot and the poor dog was decked out in, [be ready] clothes, a cowboy hat with pink and turquoise feathers [utterly ridiculous] AND shoes ?!?!?!? it was a dog!! dogs should not wear shoes. it had on 4 red and white sneakers and i'm not joking. the cowboy hat with feathers was bad enough but shoes on a dog! it was bad. i couldn't stop laughing and i really felt for the dog. the dog should have bit his owner. or run away.

and then my boss told us something funnier. apparently, there's a couple at the place where he stays, who walks their dog ... IN A PRAM. yup. they put the dog in a pram, and wheel him around the park.

seriously. what is the world coming to! if you want a baby, have a baby! if you want a dog, let it be a dog!

just because we human beings have identity crises does not mean that we should force our ridiculous expectations on nature!

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