January 8, 2009

bound me up

something extremely weird [come to think of it, not that weird] and ... ridiculous thing happened to me yesterday. or i shouldn't say happen, it hasn't happened yet, but it was proposed. it isn't actually the first time a person comes to me with such an ... offer but really ....... anyway. that's not the point.

my point is, we often say that we don't like to live by rules. in fact, i know many who say that rules are meant to be broken.

yes, i hate red-tape, bureaucracy and legislations in the sense that they are often inconvenient, time-consuming and tedious. they can also be restrictive and extremely rigid at times.

but i was thinking, life without boundaries is just as scary. because we have nothing to define how far is too far, we tend to fall before we realized we've strayed. it makes sense why countries have borders. without a clearly defined boundary, you don't know where you are or end up in. i could very well be in Thailand or Russia without even realizing it! [from Malaysia, if you look at the map, it's one piece of land all the way up to the former USSR].

so yes, because of the type of people i meet and associate with, or even because of life, i was thinking last night how if i didn't have some form of guideline/ boundaries/principles, i could very well go all over the place and end up a very messed-up-but-typical-and-expected-angst-ridden-confused and depressed person.

thank god for boundaries.

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