June 30, 2008

what good is there?

I'm not political. I'm really really not. I don't want to get invovled. I can't be bothered to go for rallies, picket this or that and demonstrations but I'm definitely aware of what happens and I'm seriously annoyed. Why???

I don't know how long I can just accept all that's happening. Are we really supposed to accept this sickness that is happening all around us?? The average syndrome. Are we really expected to be affected yet not do anything about it? Can people live like this? If yes, for how long?? Do we really do nothing about it? It's our life we're talking about for goodness sake. Yet, look at those who ARE trying to do something about it; whether in the field of politics...media...or even just in a social sense. Environmentally?? Is there change?

Gosh, there's so much wrong I don't even know where to start!

Really, as mentioned previously, please, think about the nation. Consider YOUR people. YOUR children- the future.

This is a beautiful country. Its culture...heritage...natural beauty....people. Don't ....

Don't forget that
Don't destroy it
Don't give it up for the sake of power and wealth

What good is there if you gain the whole world but lose your soul in the process of it?

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