June 23, 2008


was listening to a local radio station while working. The deejays asked people to call in and share what they think Malaysians lack, in terms of courtesy. Many people called in, sharing what they dislike about Malaysians. Here's what I found amusing.

1- the notorious driving and road skills of Malaysians. Apparently, road safety and manners are not part of our make-up. People tailgate (the closer they stick to you, the faster they think you'll go)...accelerate on 'orange' and red lights...cut in as and when they think you're not going fast enough...flash at you when you're in the way AND going according to the speed limit and put on indicators they are NOT supposed to when it's raining. Oh but worst of all are the massive jams that happen anytime people THINK something interesting is happening or when there's a minor accident =.=

2- the way people just rush around, barge in and push through, everywhere, anywhere and at all times of the day

3- lack of manners? not saying thank you and please enough ....

4- oh and this I found funny. The use of plastic and paper bags. I think that people here actually REVEL in taking as many plastic bags as they can. Every few item they buy will be put into a brand new bag. When I shop and refuse a bag, the people will actually stare at me and ask if I'm sure I don't want a bag. I might not be the most environmentally-aware person around but even I TRY to minimize the use of unnecessary 'pollutants'.

the list definitely goes and and so the calls flooded in.

As I listened, I wondered, well IF so many people are actually aware of what's wrong, why then are there no changes. It can't be that we're ignorant of our faults and not aware that there is something wrong. Why is there no change...?

So is it a case of knowing what's wrong yet just living and going along with it because everyone else does it?

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