June 27, 2008

the wonders of the WWW

ah, the wonders of the internet....

was at work when a friend called up asking for directions. She's from DU and I'm a born and bred Cheras girl. She had to get to Cheras.

If you have ever been to Cheras, you will know that not even living in Cheras for 20 years will make any difference when trying to locate an obscure 'taman'.
There are, I'm quite sure, over 100 'taman's in Cheras. And my friend happened to have to go to one I have never ever heard of.

But because I was sitting in front of the lap-top, Google lived up to its claim of being the best search engine. We found the map within a tap of a few fingers. And she's now on her pretty way there.

How can we go back to living without the internet.....?

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