some may think i've deviated. but then, (giggling) i'll gladly admit that i'm happy to be so.
while i still may not entirely know Him - i don't think we ever will as it's a progress and as we gaze upon the mirror, we will see more....anyway, i digressed. what i mean to say is, while i can not say for sure that this is the way He wants us to live, this is the way He wants us to be - who am i to say i know for sure? but i know i can say, what He does not want us to be.
i know He doesn't want me to be legalistic. i know He doesn't want me to set Him and life in a box. i know He doesn't want me to condition the circumstances of how life should be, how people should react, how things should work out. i know He doesn't want me to pass life by. i know He wants me to live in freedom. i know He wants each day to be a discovery of Him. i know He wants each day to be a joyous exploration of all there can be.
so yes! i'm happy everyday. i may not have all i want in life. i may not have worked everything out. but i'm happy. deep inside i know, this is life. this is freedom. and i'm having so much fun just tripping along ;)

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