March 5, 2009


have always been explosive. i mean, i am. i really am.

one word. one call. one action can send me into ... a fit of rage. ok. maybe not a full-out rage, but definitely enough to irk me and make me wanna react. very bad i know. somehow, i never get the hang of it.

sometimes, i look at those people who are just so ridiculously and impossibly sweet-natured and i go, what in the world are they made of. i definitely have some missing DNA. hopefully, i'm better, slightly better, in controlling my temper now that i'm older, but really. gosh. why am i so hot-tempered??

nowadays, i make myself count to 5 [i can't do 10. too long] before exploding or lashing out but still, i practically boil within.

haha. ok. i'm just rambling. coz someone called just now, about 15 minutes ago [see? i waited that long to react] and asked me to do something ridiculous. really ridiculous. as in, they're free, i'm not. they have all the time in the world, i'm stuck and tied up, yet am expected to do it. sigh.

tell me. how do we decide when it's right to let it fly? no? never? or are we entitled?

no. you tell me.

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