September 5, 2008

still so much to do

the weather here has been very questionable. it's been raining cats and dogs nearly everyday but i thought monsoon season is over. in school, we learned that malaysia, being in the tropics, should be warm 365 days of the year. we get the showers a little and monsoon season hits at certain times of the months. generally though, it's nothing like the rain in europe or the states. we get showers. that's it. there shouldn't be too much flooding, thunderstorms or whatever-nots.

but, it's now september and from last month, i've been observing the endless rain. it was supposed to 'not be raining'. yet, it has been raining, nearly everyday. oh dear. the global weather is indeed going crazy. i read that the north pole is melting and is now just an island, in fact, there might not even be much ice left come summer.

if you really think about it, it's a really scary fact. because now, it's no longer about one country's weather (or the rain). it is a very very clear and undeniable sign that the world is not only going crazy, the earth is also telling us something....

please don't end yet, i still have so much to do.

ps. see? humans are self-centered right to the end. the world is going to end and here i am going 'I' still have so much to do .... haha. ironic.

1 comment:

Doug P. Baker said...


It is scary, and very dangerous! I have friends who live on islands (I used to live on one too) in the ocean, and as the polar cap melts the ocean rises and the islands get smaller. Some of them are getting very small indeed, and I've heard that some Islands have gone underwater. We are not just making the weather worse, we are destroying the land on which people have lived for a hundred generations.

Sad that we are unable (or unwilling) to change our lifestyles enough to stop destroying other peoples' homeland.