September 18, 2008

eat better

every month, by this time, i would have read the articles and every other page of the magazine a thousand times. taxing sometimes as i can't speedread and reading the same article over and over again can be quite a task. i love it but by the end of the day, i'm also quite ready to move on.

the thing is, i love reading. and every night, i'd read for a while. but nowadays, i find myself going for fiction and light reading because my mind can't seem to comprehend much after hours of reading at work. anything 'deep' just doesn't make sense.

the problem now is, because of my steady diet of such 'snacks', i find myself spiritually 'losing weight'. it's true, we are what we eat. what we feed ourselves and allow to absorb, that's what will be within us. ever notice how advertisers are really subtle? they surround (actually, they bombard) us with pictures and songs that lodge themselves in our mind.

once in a while, i do this mental thing where i imagine the 'rubbish bin' icon on the desktop. i visualize chucking in all such pictures, tunes and info and clicking delete. i think, in a wise man's words, it's called 'aligning your thoughts' so that only that which matters remains. fix your thoughts on things above.

and yeah, i realized that because i've been feeding my mind junk, i'm losing weight spiritually and emotionally. and believe me, in the long run, it really is not worth it. so ... really gotta do some spring cleaning.

1 comment:

Doug P. Baker said...


So true, so true!

I was interested to see that you are not a speedreader. I also read slowly, very slowly. I read about two hundred books a year, but very slowly.

I cannot read without hearing the words in my head. I've always thought that might have something to do with my great love of poetry, words that are meant to be listened to. I can't imagine a speedreader getting anything at all from a poem!