September 16, 2008

of the knowledge of good and evil....

someone i know mentioned in passing that his 7 year old daughter wanted to use the computer. nothing out of the ordinary right? true. but then, as i ruminated on this last night, i realized that nowadays, it's no surprise for a 4 year old kid to use the computer, surf the internet.... i was only introduced to the wonders of the world wide web at ... what? 15/16? *grimaces*

and i was thinking, how do you control what a child is exposed to online? even for us adults who are seemingly sane, educated people, we most of the time have no control over what is imposed on us; ads that pop up, dodgy invitations and malicious news spread. how do we ensure that children are not exposed to such horrors?

even for us, the only way we stay sane in an insane virtual world where reality and illusion is a blur, is by staying focused and balanced. we have to know what's right and what's wrong. but then, most adults don't even seem to be able to clearly define that. how much more can children do so?

a long long time ago, a wise being said ... "the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil not eat" i feel that by wanting to appear superior and wise in our own eyes, we opened ourselves to more harm and damage.

of course i love the power of our mind. it amazes me and i love learning but wouldn't it be a bliss if we didn't have to worry ourselves to death and complicate our lives so unnecessarily?

1 comment:

Doug P. Baker said...

Ah yes, Grace. And someone later refered to such people as "thinking themselves to be wise they became fools;" and said that they were "always learning but never coming to a knowledge of the truth." And never before have so many people been so wise in their own eyes that they have no use for the one who forbade the eating of that fruit. We are a world of wise fools!

Fortunately I don't have to worry about what my seven year old gets into on the internet. She only likes two sites where she can decorate the rooms in houses and create outfits for virtual dolls to wear. And her sites are pop-up free. (And I have to log her in anyway.)

But I do worry about her older sisters!