July 11, 2008

progression or regression

i was thinking...can we safely say that the conveniences of modern technology has actually stunted 'true' creativity. I mean nowadays, we don't see a lot of Chagalls, Van Goghs, even Warhol and Picasso. we DO see a lot of people trying to emulate them but those who come out with something truly their own yet is so stunning that we go ...wow; over and over... not really.

even the music arena isn't doing as great. Yes, we have uber-techno and funkier beats nowadays but I kinda miss those clean beautiful melodies or Menken and Webber. THOSE are true melodies and inspiration.

We rely so much on technology to jazz up our creations nowadays that the 'heart' and base of it is not there. Or maybe, not as ... pure.

i dread the day we become so tech savvy that we lose touch with the purity and simplicity around us. what if we forget how to communicate sincerely?
the beauty of waiting and longing for a letter to arrive ... the sounds and sights around us .....

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