July 28, 2008

life, as it is

sometimes, I feel as if there's not enough time in my life for me to do everything I want to do; to see all that I want to see. Where in the world am I going to find enough years to fit it all in???

I want to climb Mount Kinabalu (yeah, start small). I want to walk the entire length of the Great Wall of China. I want to see The Terracotta Warriors. I want to stand and gaze at the shifting colours of the Taj Mahal, inhale the aromas of Egypt and wander through the pyramids. I want to see the remains of the Berlin Wall, stand under Eiffel Tower and the Arch (glorified or not, I still want to see it). Walk the Seine river and the Left Bank. Lose myself in the Lourve. Stand at 'the edge of the world' on the Scottish Highlands. Listen to the flutes of Ireland. See Galway for myself.

Feel the vastness of Mongolia. Oh and just stand in awe of the wonder that is the Aurora Borealis at Bear Park. Gaze at the splendour of Russia's famed architectures. Touch the glass castles. See pandas. Ride dolphins. Touch llamas.... and I could go on forever.

Asia? Of course. Savour the food of Taiwan. Feel the pulse of Tokyo, the rush of adrenaline. Zone out at the Zen temples in Japan, standing under almond blossoms. Discover the heart of Asia. Absorb the passion of Hong Kong. The warmth and gentleness of the Thais.Taste curry and the spices of India. Immerse in the colours and fragrance of the Arabic nations. The sounds. The language. The diversity.

with all these .... how can we ever let ourselves get so sucked up in our day to day work; to the point where we forget that out there, these wonders exist. Having stood for centuries, they stand still. Waiting ... Beckoning...

Life.... that's life!!

I dread the day I become so narrow minded that all I see is what is around me; climbing the corporate ladder, running the rat race, forgetting the big picture.

If that is life, well .... what then is the point?

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