July 28, 2009

don't talk

there are certain things we never talk about.

like careful wanderers skirting a minefield, there are areas we just tread softly around. oh we talk about our pasts. we talk about the future. hopes. dreams. likes. dislikes. we talk about everything under the sky.

but there are just certain things we know not to bring up. never to mention even.

it's not that we don't know that the other person knows about it. he knows i know. i know he knows i know. i know he knows. yet, like dancing partners, certain steps you take. certain, you skirt around and twirl the other way.

is it because we do not want to break this illusion we have created? this time and space we crafted out of a sliver of reality? is it because we know that talking about certain things make them 'real'? not that not talking about them make them any less real. but perhaps we know, that by saying the words, something will change. perspective shifts. truths we tried to deny solidify. the lies we tell ourselves break and shatter. is ignorance really bliss?

so yes, there are certain things we just never talk about.

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