April 16, 2009

a muse - i'll always be

i'm a muse. or maybe i'm just plain deluded.

oh but wait. isn't creativity from aBoVe?

i like pushing boundaries. not His boundaries. but the boundaries created by man. the boundaries created by society.

i like challenging the norm. i like questioning 'tradition'.

if He believes in me. why can't you?

why must men limit themselves so?

why did we come up with so many rules, regulations, 'tradition', 'practice' and the ever famous this-is-the-way-things-are-done?

why did we give up creativity?

why did we give up the beauty of discovey?

why did we abandon the pursuit of purity and simplicity?

isn't creativity from above?

isn't He the ultimate Creator?

so why have we stopped believing in the beauty around and why have we let go of the joy of just 'being'?

why did we let the destroyer of dreams win?

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